Announcement SGI Acquisition of Facethetics Training Ltd
We are thrilled to announce that Skin Group International (SGI) has acquired Facethetics Training and Skin at Facethetics. This acquisition marks a new chapter for Facethetics under the stewardship of SGI, an organisation known for excellence in clinical and educational standards. OUR VISION FOR TH…
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Advertising Botox Treatments in the UK
Reading time: approximately 2-3 minutes
We understand the frustration. You've invested in top-tier training and honed your skills in administering toxin treatments. Now you want to market your services to potential patients, but the world of aesthetics advertising in the UK feels more than a litt…
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Level 7 - what assignments and exams will I have to do?
Reading time: approximately 3-4 minutes
Thinking about applying for the Level 7 Diploma in Clinical Aesthetic Injectable Treatments? Want to know exactly what it will entail in terms of work-load and exams? Keep reading for a full explanation!
Full Diploma or RPEL?
First off, it’s important to cl…
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Menopause and Aesthetic Medicine
Reading time: approximately 2 minutes
Despite being a major transition in a woman’s life, menopause - and the various changes that come with it - can be a subject of embarrassment for many women and can unfortunately also result in a loss of confidence.
In aesthetics, where peri-menopausal and pos…
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ASA cracks down on aesthetic practitioners who breach advertising rules
Reminder to all aesthetic practitioners that you are not allowed to advertise POMs in any way, even if you’re putting out a request for models.
A recent ruling by the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) against an aesthetic practitioner in London highlights this.
The practitioner posted in a Faceb…
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How to get more male patients at your clinic
Reading time: approximately 4-5 minutes
We’re sure you’d agree that, in this day and age, beauty treatments are definitely not just for women.
There’s been a societal shift in recent years, with male attitudes towards personal care and grooming becoming more positive, and more men embracing waxing…
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Aesthetics Licensing to be introduced by July 2023?
The Health and Social Care Committee have released a report this morning detailing the impact of poor body image in the UK and encouraging the government to quickly introduce a number of new laws. The report, entitled “The impact of body image on mental and physical health”, looked into a number of…
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Level 7 is now available at Facethetics!
We are so excited to finally be able to announce that as of 1st August 2022, the VTCT (ITEC) Level 7 Diploma in Clinical Aesthetic Injectable Treatments is available at Facethetics Training!
What is Level 7?
Level 7 is a postgraduate aesthetics qualification that was specifically designed to meet …
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How to prepare for Aesthetic Licensing
Reading time: approximately 3-4 minutes Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past few months, you’re probably aware that licensing for non-surgical aesthetic procedures is going to be introduced in England. This was initially confirmed in March, as part of the new Health and Care Bill. Th…
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Beauty and Aesthetics Qualifications Explained
As a training provider, we hear from people who are all at different stages in their career; medical professionals who wish to move into the aesthetics industry, experienced aesthetic practitioners looking to learn a new technique or procedure, and beauty therapists who want to move on to more advan…
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Q&A with Alison
Hi Alison, what do you love about your job?
My absolute favourite thing is seeing our newly-qualified practitioners build flourishing aesthetics businesses, making more and working less, adding £35,000 a year to their current income with 3 treatments a week!
Another favourite part of my job is coa…
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Licensing, Level 7 and what it all means for Aesthetic Practitioners
Reading time: approximately 4-5 mins
Since the announcement in March that England is to bring in a licensing scheme for non-surgical aesthetic procedures, there have been lots of questions and concerns within the aesthetics industry about how this is all going to work and how aesthetic practitioner…
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Why we FAIL our delegates...
Reading time: approximately 2-3 minutes
Controversial blog post incoming… (Make sure you read to the end!)
We’ve had a few messages recently from prospective delegates asking if it’s possible to fail our courses.
In short, yes it is.
If you train with us and we don't feel that you're ready to st…
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New product training coming soon!
As a UK training partner of Merz Aesthetics, Facethetics are often amongst the first in the country to hear about new developments, products and techniques. Earlier this year, we welcomed the team from Merz to Facethetics HQ for a “Train the Trainer” day. As you know, there’s always something new to…
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What makes a good training provider?
If you’re thinking about training as an aesthetic practitioner, you’ll need to start by actually choosing a training provider. When we first set up Facethetics back in 2015, there was a handful of companies offering aesthetics training around the UK. Nowadays, there are a lot more! Judging by feedba…
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Call yourself a nurse?!
Reading time: approximately 2-3 minutes Last week, the government yet again missed an opportunity to protect the public. During the third reading of the Health and Care Bill, they voted against the proposal to protect the title ‘Nurse’ in legislation.Currently, only the title ‘Registered Nurse’ is …
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Liverpool Echo Feature
We've got a lovely feature in the Liverpool Echo at the moment, describing how former delegates Natasha Murray, Melanie Perrins and Billie-Jae Richards have all been carving out successful careers in aesthetics following their training with Facethetics. Natasha and Melanie have known each other for…
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Why we teach both needle AND cannula at Foundation level
Reading time: approximately 4-5 minutes We strongly believe that to become a safe, effective injector, it is important to master both needle AND cannula for the administration of dermal filler, right from the start of your training. At Facethetics, our Foundation Dermal Filler course covers the use…
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Lip Enhancement Trends
Reading time: approximately 3-4 minutes. Introduction The trend of designating a catchy label to describe certain types of lip enhancement treatment may seem like a recent phenomenon, highly promoted and influenced by social media. However, as far back as 2005, Sclafani (2005) described the “Holl…
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Aesthetics Training Standards - our advice for practitioners
Reading time: approximately 3 minutes Recent reports in the media (including an investigation by Sky News) have highlighted that many aesthetics training providers are offering substandard courses and, as such, are sending poorly trained practitioners into the aesthetics industry. Unfortunately, t…
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The Facethetics Lip Course by Yvonne Senior
Reading time: approximately 4 minutes Lip enhancement with dermal filler has been a popular aesthetic procedure for many years, however, recently, the demand for this treatment has increased exponentially. If you’re a medical professional taking your first steps into aesthetics, you’re probably pl…
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Taking Patient Photos
As an aesthetic or skin practitioner, we know that having photos of your patients pre and post-treatment is a really important part of your record-keeping. Before and after photos are useful for many reasons; When your patient returns for a review or further treatment, it’s great to have a ph…
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"Maskne" - Support for Facethetics Models
The importance of correct skincare during this pandemic Prior to this year, we had never had to deal with mask-wearing in this country, so never before has skincare been so important. Being a model at Facethetics Training, we want to ensure you are looking after your skin to avoid your skin barrier…
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Protecting the hands from the signs of ageing
Reading time: 3-4 mins It's easy to forget to treat certain areas of your skin when most beauty campaigns promote a product as being for a specific zone, such as anti-ageing cream for the face, firming creams for the body etc. However, there is no reason why we shouldn't use, for example, a vitamin…
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An overview of acne
As June is Acne Awareness Month, we at Facethetics wanted to educate you more on the various types and grades of acne and how to manage it. Firstly, it’s important to understand that acne is an inflammatory skin condition of the pilo-sebaceous unit, that can begin in adolescence or adulthood. Adol…
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Lower face toxin and treating the face in its entirety
Reading time: 2-3 mins At Facethetics Training, Liverpool, we believe that injections of Botulinum Toxin A (Botox) play an important role in helping patients to reduce the visible signs of ageing. Generally seen as one of the most “popular” of aesthetic treatments, toxin injections are commonly use…
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How to achieve lovely skin for your clients?
Reading time: 2-3 minutes Retinol Retinol is another name for Vitamin A. Vitamin A is a good starting point for anyone who would like to advance their skin regime to include benefits such as: Age management Reduce oxidative stress in the skin caused by free radical damage, ie. anti…
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Key skin treatments for aesthetic practitioners
Reading time: 2-3 minutes Here at Facethetics Training, we offer a full skin plan to guide, treat and enhance your clients' skin, ensuring that all their skin concerns have been met. During training, we are always more than happy to answer any questions to enable you to leave Facethetics with the c…
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How to combat acne during lockdown.
Spring has been a tough time for all of us so far with lockdown dictating everything from who we see, how we exercise, what we eat, if we can work and, of course, no botox or fillers! However, our Skin Specialist and Educator, Shirley Walker, has taken this moment to look at something that can all t…
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Open Evening - Thursday 30th January
We are so excited to announce that we are holding an Open Evening at our premises on Thursday 30th January from 4pm - 8pm! This will be an opportunity for anyone considering training, or who has already trained but is ready for more, to find out about everything that's currently on offer at Facethet…
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The importance of online reviews for your aesthetic business
We previously mentioned in this post how important word of mouth referrals are, however, recent studies show that around 84% of people actually trust online reviews just as much as they trust personal recommendations. This is probably something you’ve experienced for yourself - whether you’re trying…
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September News Updates
We’ve got some great news updates for you this month! Award nomination for Yvonne We are thrilled to announce that our fantastic Lead Educator, Yvonne Senior, is a finalist in the Aesthetics Awards, having been nominated in the category of Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner of the Year! This award rec…
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What to expect from a Facethetics Training Day
After our post last month answering lots of the questions that we’re asked by people who are considering training, we thought that this month we’d take you through exactly what to expect from a training day with Facethetics. Please note, some of our courses are shorter or follow a slightly differen…
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The latest news from Facethetics Training
We’ve got a couple of exciting updates to share with you regarding Facethetics training courses! Level 6 Launch Our Level 6 course officially launched at the weekend and we're thrilled with how well the first two days of training have gone! If you're not aware, the Level 6 Qualification in Ae…
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We answer your questions about training in aesthetics
We always aim to include plenty of information about the business side of aesthetics during our courses, however, we know that many people, particularly those who are new to the industry, may prefer to get more of an insight into this before they actually pay for and attend a course. With that in mi…
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The JCCP and Level 7
As a training provider, we wish to address the recent press release from the JCCP regarding required qualifications and levels of training within the industry. We understand that there is some confusion surrounding both Level 7 and whether this is likely to become a required qualification for aesthe…
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5 Tips for using Instagram to promote your aesthetic business
For those of you who are familiar with our Marketing Guide, you’ll know that we touched on Instagram in Part 2, however, we thought it was time to delve a little deeper into the platform. With over 1 billion users worldwide, Instagram can be a hugely effective method of promoting your aesthetic busi…
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The FIVE best things about being an aesthetic practitioner
Judging by the level of enquiries we get for our Beginner courses, we know that there are a lot of people out there who want to move into the world of aesthetics. But why exactly? We asked five delegates, past and present, to tell us what they love about being an aesthetic practitioner. Flexibil…
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Level 6 Qualification in Aesthetic Injectables
Update, 30th March 2023: Facethetics Training is no longer a registered Gatehouse Awards Centre. We no longer offer the Level 6 qualification in Aesthetic Injectables. All learners were contacted regarding this matter in 2022 and again at the start of 2023.
Original post (23rd April 2019)
You ma…
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What happens when you're a Facethetics Model?
As you are probably aware, at Facethetics Training, we require models to have treatments during our training sessions so that our delegates can put into practice what they’ve learned. We are often asked by people who have not been models for us before exactly what happens when they come in for the f…
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Facethetics Training Workshops
We held our first ever Advanced Lips Workshop earlier this month and we had such a lovely evening! After hearing back from some delegates who felt that they could use a bit of extra support, just to boost their confidence when it comes to certain treatments or indications, we got our thinking caps o…
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What is Necrosis?
Many members of the aesthetics industry will have come across the following photos on various forums and social media recently. The photos, which have been shared by Facethetics with permission from Dr Alaa Aref from Renew Clinics in Saudi Arabia, show a patient suffering from a necrosis which ultim…
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A new qualification coming soon...
The aesthetics industry is going through a lot of changes at the moment and while it’s great to see that much closer attention is now being paid to standards of training, there is also still a lot of confusion surrounding qualifications, particularly in relation to Level 7. If you read our recent bl…
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Which Dermal Filler products will I use during training?
New delegates at Facethetics often ask which dermal filler range we use for our training, and many of our models also wish to know what type of filler will be used on them when they come in to have a treatment. Facethetics are very lucky to have been chosen as one of a small number of UK training pa…
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Aesthetic Training: What Comes Next?
At Facethetics Training, it’s safe to say that our Botox and dermal filler courses are definitely our most popular. In addition to the many medical professionals who take their first steps into the world of aesthetics by attending our Beginner’s courses, we also train countless practitioners who are…
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Dermal Filler: From Beginner To Advanced
We receive countless enquiries from practitioners looking to move into the world of aesthetics who specifically want to learn how to carry out dermal filler treatments, and, in particular, lip enhancement procedures. This is no doubt due to the current trend for plump, fuller lips that we constantly…
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Resources and support for aesthetic practitioners
The aesthetic industry can sometimes seem daunting, both to practitioners who are just starting out and to those who are more experienced. Unlike other areas of medicine, there has never been an official regulatory body or organisation for practitioners to seek support and guidance from, should they…
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Managing patient expectations
Something that we always place a lot of emphasis on during our training courses is the importance of carrying out a proper, in-depth medical consultation before any treatment takes place. We consult our patients for a number of reasons. Firstly, a medical consultation allows us to find out more abou…
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The Facethetics Guide to Marketing Your Aesthetic Business: Part 5
If you would like to read the previous article in our Marketing series, click here to go to Part 4 Part 5: Video Content We’ve previously talked about the importance of using photos to market your business, but in this month’s article we’re going to discuss another marketing method that has risen …
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How to build your aesthetic client base and start making money
We often receive enquiries from people who are looking for a complete change in career but just aren’t really sure where to start. Many of our learners have spent years in full time employment, so the prospect of trying something completely new and starting up on their own can be daunting. Undertaki…
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The Facethetics Guide to Marketing Your Aesthetic Business
As you may already know, over the past few months, we've been sharing articles on something that we get asked about a lot; marketing. Now that we've written quite a few blog posts on the subject, we thought we'd make things a little easier by linking to them all from the one page! See below for a f…
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The Facethetics Guide to Marketing Your Aesthetic Business: Part 4
To read the previous article in our Marketing series, click here for Part 3. Part 4: Email Marketing We’ve previously discussed the effectiveness of using social media channels such as Instagram and Facebook as a way of promoting your services to larger numbers of people. While social media can be…
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Prescribing Explained
One subject that we get asked about regularly is prescribing. As certain medications are prescription only, there is still some confusion surrounding prescribing, and whether holding this qualification will affect your eligibility to become an aesthetic practitioner. We’ve decided to put this blog t…
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The Facethetics Guide to Marketing Your Aesthetic Business: Part 3
Click here to read Part 2 in our Marketing series. Part 3: Website As we discussed in last month’s article, social media has become an extremely effective, popular means of promoting your business or services to a large audience. However, while social media does work, there is still a lot to be sa…
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Needle vs Cannula: Which is the better solution for delivering dermal filler?
Traditionally, dermal fillers have been administered to the face via a hypodermic needle, however, aesthetic cannulas have become more popular over recent years, particularly for larger areas of the face. Indeed, many dermal filler products are now actually packaged with both a needle and a cannula …
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The Facethetics Guide to Marketing Your Aesthetic Business: Part 2
Part 2: Social Media In part 1 of our Marketing Guide, we discussed the importance of using photographs to give clients a clear idea of what you can do. In part 2, we’re moving on to social media, which, as you’ll probably know, is one of the best ways of promoting your brand to the public, and als…
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Facethetics Accredited Level 3 Venepuncture Course
Facethetics Training are pleased to announce that we are now delivering a Level 3 course in Venepuncture accredited by Gatehouse Awards. We are thrilled that our course has been approved by Gatehouse Awards, an industry leading awarding organisation recognised by the Office of Qualifications and Exa…
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So you want to train in Botox and Filler?
We receive a lot of enquiries from medical professionals looking to move into the aesthetics industry but who simply don’t know a lot about it. While many people nowadays will have Botox or filler treatments themselves, or know someone who does, there are still plenty of people who just don’t come i…
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The Facethetics Guide to Marketing Your Aesthetic Business: Part 1
One area that we receive a lot of questions about is marketing. Once you’ve completed your training, you’ll need to attract patients and the best way to do this is to use a combination of marketing methods to promote your services. With that in mind, we’ve decided to put together a five-part series …
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The Launch of the Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners - article by Aesthetics Journal
We just wanted to share this article written by Aesthetics Journal that goes into a lot of depth explaining how the JCCP will work and what it means for aesthetic practitioners. Please note - in order to access the article, you must be a member of Aesthetics Journal. Membership is free of charge a…
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Training now available for Professionals Allied to Medicine (PAMs)
We are pleased to announce that we are now offering training in Beginner's Botox and Beginner's Dermal Filler for certain HCPC registered professionals (namely paramedics, physiotherapists and ODPs) who meet our specific criteria, in addition to doctors, dentists and nurses. At Facethetics Training…
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Microsclerotherapy Training
We are excited to announce that we are now offering training in Microsclerotherapy for the reduction of thread veins on the legs! Thread veins, though completely harmless, can be a major cause of embarassment for many people. Currently it is estimated that around half of all women and at least one …
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Level 4 Advanced Skin Qualifications
We are thrilled to announce that Facethetics Training is now offering the complete programme of Level 4 qualifications in Advanced Skin Studies. These courses are delivered in partnership with Sally Durant and CIBTAC (The Confederation of International Beauty Therapists and Cosmetology) and provide …
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Mandatory regulation of our sector remains a myth
We just wanted to share this article written by Natasha Devan for the Journal of Aesthetic Nursing, regarding regulation of the aesthetics industry. This may be of particular interest to anyone considering a Level 7 qualification. You can read the article here.
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Our new Venepuncture Course
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Venepuncture Training Course! This course has taken 8 months to develop and has entailed extensive research and reviews into the most up to date and relevant guidelines on best practice in venepuncture and related subjects such as infection control a…
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August course bookings
Just a quick note to let all of our delegates know that we will require all courses taking place in August to be paid for in full by Friday 21st July. If you are booked onto a course in August and will have a problem paying your balance by this date, please call us on 0151 559 0865 to discuss.
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VIP Models
As many of you will know, in order for our delegates to carry out the practical part of their training, we provide models for them. Model treatments are normally about half the price that they would be in an aesthetic clinic, so these treatments are very popular. We currently invite anyone who is i…
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Finding the right aesthetic trainer for you
As supplied by PIAPA. Don’t be pulled in by names A business or training provider can call themselves anything. A name may sound impressive, but it doesn't always equate to quality. Research the trainer, what they have to offer and assess the prices and the travelling costs. The same goes for bra…
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VAT on course prices
We just wanted to make you aware that, as of 1st November, we will be charging VAT on all of our courses. If you are thinking about training with us in the next few months, please bear in mind that any courses booked and paid for before the 1st November will not incur a VAT charge, even if the cours…
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Mentoring now available!
Facethetics Training is now offering one to one mentoring with our Head Tutor, Yvonne Senior. While we pride ourselves on offering excellent training courses which equip delegates with the skills and knowledge required to safely and successfully provide aesthetic treatments to their patients, we als…
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Lip Enhancement Treatments and Vascular Occlusion
Lip enhancement using dermal fillers has quickly become one of the most popular aesthetic procedures. Hyaluronic acid dermal filler is deemed the safest option when injecting this area because it carries less risk of complications such as hypersensitivity, arterial occlusion, nodules and infection. …
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NHS releases guidelines to the public for undergoing non-surgical treatments
The NHS Choices website has recently released guidelines on how to keep safe when undergoing treatments such as Botox and dermal fillers. The website, which offers advice on everything from fitness and weight loss to quitting smoking and mental health, has now added a page dedicated to non-surgical …
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