How to achieve lovely skin for your clients?

By: maxwebsolutions | Posted on: 26 May 2020


Reading time: 2-3 minutes



Retinol is another name for Vitamin A. Vitamin A is a good starting point for anyone who would like to advance their skin regime to include benefits such as:

  • Age management

  • Reduce oxidative stress in the skin caused by free radical damage, ie. antioxidant

  • Reduce congestion by controlling sebum

  • Reduce environmental damage, such as pigmentation

  • Aids healing and reduces inflammation 

  • Enhance natural moisturisation in the skin

Working up to using retinols should be done slowly and is not for every skin type. Although all skin types will benefit from the use of Vitamin A, some skin types need time to work up to the strength of retinols and some alternative types are; retindehyde, betacarotene, retinyl palmitate and can be found in many skin brands in the form of boosters or serums, eg. Dermaquest Retinaldehyde Renewal Cream.

Side effects from incorrect use of Vitamin A include UV sensitivity, therefore it should be used in the evening skin regime. Too much use too quick will thin the skin and thus leave it vulnerable to moisture loss, poor collagen and hyaluronic acid production and increase oxidative stress in the skin.


Chemical Peels

At Facethetics we train our delegates in both foundation and advanced chemical peel processes. They are separate courses and are tailored to different skin complaints. When you complete skin training at Facethetics, think of it as a journey towards providing a pathway for every type of client who comes to you. Client's skin concerns will vary and you must adapt the treatments you offer them in order to achieve their skin goals. These goals will change as they become a loyal client and it is your duty to ensure you guide them to the best of your ability. 

It is not always the case that you can put them on a course of chemical peels, varying in acid strengths, to achieve their goal, and it may take longer than expected as only 20% of the treatment is done in clinic and the other 80% is carried out at home. Educating them in skincare is vital to conquering their skin concerns. 

Foundation peels include pre-formulated peels with acids such as glycolic or lactic to gently enhance the desquamation process which in turn will promote healthy balanced functional skin in the epidermis. For example, Glycolic acid is one of the most popular alpha hydroxy acids used in skincare and its tiny molecular size allow it to penetrate sebum and dead skin cells rapidly. 

Chemical peels allow endless options in treating skin concerns, so on your foundation peel course with us, we do our upmost in educating you with all the essential knowledge and experience so you feel confidant in delivering the treatment to your clients without being overwhelmed from the numerous acids and brands to choose from.

For more information about training in skin treatments with Facethetics, click here.